Должность: | Programmer, developer |
Образование: | специалист |
Имя: | Eugene |
Фамилия: | Syomic |
Страна, регион: | Украина, - /согласен на смену жительства/ |
Адрес: | Ukraine, Kremenchug |
Заработная плата: | open |
Возрост: | 54 |
Телефон: | +3 80662447643 |
Факс: | |
email: | |
Языки: | |
Resume name : Syomic Eugene Anatolievich age: 33 adress:Ukraine. Kremenchug. :: purpose field of application:information technology estimate job :Programmer/developer level of income:400 USD in month schedule of works:Partial employment, full employment will new job:interesting work long-term career plan:raising the level of one`s skill, develop owns projects :: education education:university main education: 09/1992 - 06/1998 electric drive and automation industrial plant and technology complex. Engineer- electrician knowledge foreign language: English read with vocabulary, technical habits of work, work of software:OS: MS Win9x - WinXP programming language:C++ know very good, JAVA, HTML, Basik, Pascal, Assembler - platform knowns ; development system : Visual C++ - good knowns API and lib: Win32 API, MFC, STL, COM+, GDI, Multimedia theoretical knowns: mathematics and mathematics algorithm, cryptography, 3D graphic, basik algorithms Own engineeringProgram for calculation transient process, Amplitude - frequence and phase-frequence characteristic, automatic checkout system http://www.wsllib.narod.ru/tau_setup.exe Window library . Windows are be dockable, skins, etc. http://www.wsllib.narod.ru/ Brief:Programmer, developer :: additional information family status:married, daughter 11 years passion, hobby:computer: programming; sport:boxing,tourism; other: electronics,musik, philosophy | |
добавлено 2004-11-30 | показано 1409 раз |