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Резюме IT Expert

Alexander Golovchenko

Должность:IT Expert
Страна, регион:Украина, - /согласен на смену жительства/
Адрес: alex (at) golovchenko (dot) name
Заработная плата: от $1000
Возрост: 55
Телефон: +380 67 577 1998
Языки: английский(-rw)

Alexander Golovchenko

12-45 Geroev truda street.,
Kharkov 61168 UKRAINE
Mobile:+380 67 5771998
Skype: Alex.Golovchenko
E-mail: Alex@Golovchenko.name


To obtain an IT Manager / Technical Consultant / Sales Consultant / Representative position.
My ideal position would be one where I could fully utilize my extensive knowledge, wide variety skill set
and more then 15 years strong experience for efficient job in Information Technologies industry as member of
a high-level professional team, which will offer me the opportunity for career growth.

Target Job
Desired Job Type and Status: Employee, Full-Time
Site Location: Anywhere
Relocate: Yes
Date of Availability: Immediately
Preferred Salary: $1000, up to 2k
Company Size: Large
Category: Information Technologies
Career Level: Mid Career (15+ years of experience)
Last Work Status: Computer Systems Analyst (Project Manager, Presenter, Systems Engineer)

Summary of Qualifications
> More then 15 years of strong technical and sales experience in information technology industry
> More then 3 years of work experience as IT Manager and IT Department Chief
> Management by a department by 15 person experience, tasks statement, enterprise activity analysis
> Information Technologies market and nuances of its work good knowledge (Certified)
> Absolutely strong knowledge of all Intel Server Products, wide on other Intel components
> Good knowledge at HP, IBM, DELL and Fujitsu-Siemens Servers and Storages
> More then 6 years of knowledge and experience in server-based computing terminal technologies and thin clients
> Skill and experience in creation of advertising and presentation materials, I work in MS PowerPoint freely
> Certified Expert at Microsoft (Systems Engineer), Citrix (Sales Professional) and HP (Accredited Sales Professional)
> Wide experience of carrying out of reports and presentations at seminars, exhibitions, etc.
> Skill to team work, communicate, discipline, responsibility, purposefulness
> Wide work experience with the large companies - suppliers and customers
> Experience of participation in tenders and deliveries of the equipment to the large enterprises
> Various Intel-based servers and workstations system design, creating and selling long-term experience
> Planning and the full control over purchases of the computer and communication equipment
> Direct contacts to vendors (Intel, Microsoft, HP, IBM, Citrix, etc.) on technical and marketing tasks
> Planning, design and implementation of medium and large Networks. Complete Network administration
> Skill to initiative, independence in decision-making, sense of duty
> I have extensive experience with all MS Operation Systems and Office application
> I have good business and personal contacts to some HP employees
Readiness for business trips and relocate

2004 I.T. Academy (Microsoft Authorized Technical Education Center) Moscow, Russia
Speciality ` Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE) on Windows Server 2003`, May 2004
Course 2274: Managing a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment and
Course 2279: Planning, Implementing, and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Active Directory Infrastructure

2004 MUK Learning Center Kiev, Ukraine
Speciality `Accredited Sales Professional - HP Proliant Solutions`,
`Accredited Sales Professional - HP Network Storage Solutions`, January 2004
Selling the ProLiant Servers Family Course and Selling HP Business Class Storage Solutions Course

2003 State Polytechnic University (Citrix Authorized Learning Center) St.-Petersburg, Russia
Speciality `Citrix Certified Sales Professional (CCSP)`, November 2003
Selling Citrix Solutions

2000 I.T. Academy (Microsoft Authorized Technical Education Center) Moscow, Russia
Speciality ` Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE) on Windows NT 4.0`, June 2000
Administering Microsoft Windows NT 4.0, Supporting Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Core Technologies, Supporting Microsoft
Windows NT 4.0 Enterprise Technologies, Creating and Configuring a Web Server Using Microsoft IIS 4.0,
Secure Web Access Using Microsoft Proxy Server 2.0

1991-1998 Kharkov Aviation Institute (now Kharkov Aerospace University) Kharkov, Ukraine
Diploma `Electrical Engineer`
Speciality `Aviation devices and measuring-computer complexes`, February 1998

1985-1988 Secondary Vocational Training College No.3 Kharkov, Ukraine
Diploma `Communication Installer` with first-class honors degree
Speciality `Telephone Equipment Mounting Communication Installer` of the second category, July 1988

Conferences, Seminars, Education (other)
April, 2006 . Citrix Solutions Conference
February, 2006 - Intel Server Solutions Training
Citrix Systems, Moscow, Russia
Intel Corp., Moscow, Russia
December, 2005 . Microsoft Platform 2006 Conference
October, 2005 . HP Thin Client Training
October, 2005 . Intel Channel Conference
October, 2005 . Intel Development Forum
September, 2005 . Citrix Solutions Seminar
June, 2005 . Citrix Access Suite 4.0 Technical Webinar
April, 2005 . Intel Enterprise System Design Conference
April, 2005 . IBM Data Storage Systems Seminar
March, 2005 - Intel ADC EMEA SAN Storage Server Training
Microsoft Corp., Moscow, Russia
HP Company, Kiev, Ukraine
Intel Corp., Kiev, Ukraine
Intel Corp., Moscow, Russia
SoftLine Company, Moscow, Russia
Citrix Systems, World-Wide Webinar
Intel Corp., Moscow, Russia
IBM Corp., Kiev, Ukraine
Intel Corp., Moscow, Russia
November-December, 2005 . Microsoft Platform 2005 Conference
October, 2004 . Intel Development Forum
October, 2004 . HP Thin Client Training
October, 2004 . Microsoft Partner Forum
August, 2004 . Citrix MetaFrame New Version Representation Seminar
August, 2004 . Intel Server Solutions Training
May, 2004 . Intel Channel Conference
April, 2004 . Citrix Solutions Conference
April, 2004 . Intel Development Forum
March, 2004 - Microsoft Polygon Master Class
Microsoft Corp., Moscow, Russia
Intel Corp., Moscow, Russia
HP Company, Kiev, Ukraine
Microsoft Corp., Moscow, Russia
SoftLine Company, Moscow, Russia
Intel Corp., Moscow, Russia
Intel Corp., Kiev, Ukraine
Citrix Systems, Moscow, Russia
Intel Corp., Kiev, Ukraine
Microsoft Corp., Moscow, Russia
November, 2003 . Intel Channel Conference
November, 2003 - Microsoft Platform 2004 Conference
October, 2003 . IBM Partner Conference
October, 2003 . Intel Development Forum
September, 2003 . Microsoft Partner Forum
April, 2003 - Selling HP Enterprise Storage Solutions Training
April, 2003 - Citrix iForum 2003 Moscow
March, 2003 - Intel Server Solutions Training
Intel Corp., Kiev, Ukraine
Microsoft Corp., Moscow, Russia
IBM Corp., Moscow, Russia
Intel Corp., Moscow, Russia
Microsoft Corp., Moscow, Russia
HP Company, Kiev, Ukraine
Citrix Systems, Moscow, Russia
Intel Corp., Moscow, Russia

HP Accredited Sales Professional - ProLiant Solutions, HP ASP
Citrix Certified Sales Professional, CCSP
Microsoft Certified System Engineer, MCSE, Microsoft Certified Professional + Internet, MCP+I
Microsoft Certified Professional, MCP
Brainbench Certified:
Information Technology Industry Knowledge [MASTER Level], Information Technology Terminology
[MASTER Level], Citrix Administration, Computer Industry Knowledge, Computer Technical
Support, Network Technical Support, Technical Help Desk, Technical Help Desk (Microsoft), MS
Windows Server 2003 Administration, MS Windows NT 4.0 Administration, MS Windows NT 4.0
Workstation Administration, TCP/IP Administration, HTML 4.0 & 3.2, MS PowerPoint 2002,
Computer Fundamentals (Win 95/98) [MASTER]

Professional Experience
December 2002 . April 2005
MKS Company, Ltd. Kharkov, Ukraine
Computer Systems Analyst
February 2002 - December 2002
Inform-Service Company, Ltd. Kharkov, Ukraine
IT Department Chief Reference ..
September 2000 . January 2002
Digma-Plus Company, Ltd. Kharkov, Ukraine
Systems Engineer, IT Department Chief Reference ..
October 1999 . August 2000
Digma Company, Ltd. Kharkov, Ukraine
Systems Engineer Reference ..
October 1998 . December 1998
Mezzo-Forte Company, Ltd. Kharkov, Ukraine
Information Department Chief
August 1997 - August 1998
Mast-Invest Investment Company, JSC Kharkov, Ukraine
Informational-Analytical Department Chief assistant Reference ..
November 1996 - August 1997
Computer-Service Company, Private Enterprise Kharkov, Ukraine
Systems Engineer Reference ..
March 1996 - August 1996
Detstvo Children-Orphan International Fund Kharkov, Ukraine
Foreign Economic Relations Department Manager
March 1995 - March 1996
Kharkov Central Department Store, JSC Kharkov, Ukraine
Information-Computer Center Engineer Reference ..
November 1993 - March 1995
Ventura Company, Ltd. Kharkov, Ukraine
Deputy Director

Additional Information
Marital Status: Single
Knowledge of Languages: English - pre-intermediate. Native Russian and Ukrainian Speaker.
Driving License: Category `B`, there isn`t a car now
Hobby: Ham Radio amateur (since 1984). Skydiving. Cycling tourism.
Citizenship: Ukraine
Passport for traveling abroad: I have

More information about my projects, reports, publications, seminars, conferences, etc., and reference lists are available on demand.

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