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1996-1998�.�. � �������� /������� ������/ �� ������� ����� ��������� ������
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1998-1999�.�. � �������� �� ���� � ������� ����� ����� �������
01-07.1998�. � �������� �������� �� ������
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City of Dnepropetrovsk.
���. 19-00�._21-00�.
����� E-mail: cvetkov@ua.fm www.alek-cvetkov.narod.ru
Cvetkov Alexander

Formation (education) The maximum(supreme) technical education:
Physico-technical faculty of Dnepropetrovsk state university 1998�. issue.
Qualification: the engineer - elektromehanik
Specialization: Automatic systems and complexes
Qualification  the Expert in expansion of a seller`s market
 the engineer - elektromehanik
 the Manager on sales and advertising
 the User of the personal computer
 the driving Licence a category `�`
 the English language from personal computers *
Marketing - the Analysis of a seller`s market / establishment of contacts to key clients / ;
- Wholesales in regions, delivery;
- Sales to ultimate users, delivery ;
- Sale from stock the enterprises and from a regional warehouse ;
- the Analysis of sales in region -
- Publishing house and advertising
Segment of the market
/ an operational experience /  the Wholesale market of regions of Ukraine
 Container and packing
 the Market of a paper and a cardboard
 Construction
 Publishing house and advertising
the operational Experience - 1992-1994�.�. the supply agent to/sales �� ` the North - ������ `
- 1993-1998�.�. - the student of Physicotechnical faculty DGU
- summer 1994�. - An industrial practice � Autorepair / �������, THAT, ���. Repair of the engine, the carburettor /
- July 1995�. � the industrial Practice ON `���`/����������������/
- 1996-1998�.�. - the Manager /chief of a department / on advertising the newspaper ` the Popular newspaper `
- 1995-1997�.�. � Construction , installation works
- 1998-1999�.�. - the manager on sales and advertising of the newspaper ` the Photo Advertising `
- 01-07.1998�. - degree practice �� `Southern`
- 1999-2001�.�. - Expert �����
- 2001g.-on present time - the Expert in expansion of a seller`s market ����. The enterprises /wholesales on Ukraine /
Results of work 1996-1998�.�. ` the Popular newspaper `
growth of sales of the advertising areas with `0` up to 1 page
1998-1999�.�. ` the Photo Advertising `
- growth of sales volumes of the advertising areas of the newspaper
- growth of circulation from 2 thousand copies up to 5��. copy
- creation of an agency
- network expansion of region of distribution on Ukraine
2001�.-on present time. - search of new clients / wholesales of parties(sets) up to 10 tons
the Hobby
- The motorist
- Internet
- the electrical Engineer / repair, installation /
- the country House a summer residence
The marital status It is married

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